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  • Mummy Monster Dodongo
  • Overall height about 45 cm Head height about 36 cm Resin kit
  • All 54 parts (tentative)
  • Prototype: Hiroshi Asakawa
  • (C) Tsuburaya Pro
  • The fuselage is hollow molded.
  • The face and neck are hollow structures.
  • His eyeballs are made of transparent resin.
  • The lower jaw comes in two types, a closed mouth, and an open mouth.
  • Light kit inculded 
  • Box Autograph by Hiroshi Asakawa (Scluptor)


  • ミイラ怪獣ドドンゴ
  • 全高約45㎝ 頭高約36㎝ レジンキット
  • 全54パーツ(仮)
  • 原型 浅川 洋
  • (C)円谷プロ
  • 胴体は中空成型。
  • 顔、首部は、中空構造。
  • 眼球は透明レジン製。
  • 下あごは、閉じ口と開き口の二種類付き。

Mummy Monster Dodongo Resin Cast Model Kit (DX) ミイラ怪獣ドドンゴ

SKU: MK0000000046


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